
Webinar on Role of Data Analytics in Decision Making

The webinar is aimed at informing the incoming PGDM students on the importance of data analytics in decision making. They were exposed to the components of business analytics and informed about how analytics is being used in different domains. In the process, they were informed about the opportunities they have as management students in the area of analytics and were informed about their preparation for the analytics profile. They were also informed about the dimensions of analytics and how important is collecting quality data, the importance of cleaning of data, selection of the right method for analysis, and failure of models due to violation of assumptions, etc. The webinar concluded with questions from the students.

Webinar on Skills for the future as a Leader & Manager

Dr (Lt Col ) Prasad SN conducted a webinar for the new joining students on 'Skills for the Future as a Leader and Manager'. In that, he explained how situations, the environment, the organizational culture, our initiative, and our involvement at a personal level lead to the development of ideas, improvizations and innovation and make us leaders. Unlike the conventional world, the current and the future world will be a networked world wherein the ability to think on one's feet and come up with solutions to problems, empathetic behavior, critical thinking, and application of technology are valued highly. He highlighted the importance of Creativity, Technology awareness and emotional intelligence take us through the journey of leadership.

Executive Program for Kennesaw University

A week-long program for the executive students at Kennesaw University, US was organized from May 15 to 19, 2023 at SDMIMD. The program includes talks, corporate visits and a social project exposure. The program is part of the exchange arrangement between the SDMIMD and Kennesaw University. 
It may be noted that as part of the exchange arrangement, 8 students of the SDMIMD’s flagship PGDM Program of the Batch 2022-2024 are doing the Summer Internship with Kennesaw University. 

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Company Specific Program (CSP) for Wurth Elektronik

The second batch of Company Specific Program (CSP) for the Wurth Elektronik was inaugurated on May 11, 2023, by Mr Harsha Aadya, Managing Director, Wurth Elektronik India and Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD. Deputy Director Dr. S.N. Prasad presented the outline of the 3-Month program which is designed to meet the training needs of Wurth Elektronik. 13 participants from Mysuru and Chennai operations participating in the 2nd Batch of the CSP. 

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Webinar on Creativity, Design Thinking and Innovation

The interplay of creativity, design thinking, and innovation has become crucial in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. This webinar aimed to enlighten students with the knowledge and skills required to harness the power of imagination, embrace innovation, and leverage design thinking to drive organizational success.  By nurturing creativity within individuals and teams, organizations foster a culture that encourages experimentation, risk-taking, and a fresh perspective. By adopting a human-centric approach, design thinking encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and promotes a deep understanding of customer requirements. Innovation, the tangible outcome of creativity and design thinking, involves the implementation of novel ideas to bring about transformative change. Embracing creativity, design thinking, and innovation will allow aspiring managers to become visionary leaders capable of driving organizational success in an ever-evolving business landscape.
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