
Pre-placement Program

Pre-Placement Talks (PPT)

Companies make a pre-placement presentation (PPT) to provide an opportunity to the students to seek clarity on the profile of the company, position offered, remuneration package and other relevant information.

For effective communication, latest technical equipment such as audio visual facilities, LCD projector, tele conference and any other special equipment can be made available on campus on request. The campus also has video conferencing facility.

Curriculum Vitae

The Institute follows a standard format for all the students applying to various companies. A company can place a request for the CVs in the Institute's format or any other specific format, in hard or soft copies as desired.

Lateral and Fresher Recruitment

The Institute does not have separate lateral and fresher recruitment processes. Hence, both the processes commence simultaneously and run during the placement season of the Institute. The students rank the companies based on their prior knowledge and the information gained through companies' PPTs. Based on these rankings, job description and compensation being offered, the participating companies are scheduled, during which they can initiate the recruitment process.

Pre-Placement Offers (PPOs)

A pre-placement offer or PPO, post the summer internship, is a much cherished job offer before final placements. The firms can communicate to the Institute their decision to offer the PPOs before the Placement Week commences.

We invite...

Prof. R Sugant
Chairman - Placements
Associate Professor - Marketing
M: 96868 42080
Dear Partner,
“Every beginning has an end and every end has a new beginning”
As the students of PGDM 2017-19 traverse towards completing their arduous and demanding academic journey at SDMIMD, we look forward to them starting their well-deserved careers at leading corporate organisations across India.
SDMIMD, in its 25 years of illustrious journey has achieved many milestones, the most recent being the accreditation by ACBSP, USA and EFMD. SDMIMD is the first institute in the country to be accredited by both the prestigious international accrediting bodies. The twin accreditations have also opened the doors for academic partnership with over ten universities across the world, where selected students of the PGDM 2017-19 batch have completed a course/ term.
The academic rigour, the industry orientation and exposure derived from over 100 eminent guest speakers during their program have given our students the much needed domain skills and alignment to industry needs. Several activities that go beyond the classroom such as organising/ participating in national and international conferences, management events, association and club activities contribute towards growing their leadership and organisational skills.
The unique attributes that make an SDMite stand out is, while he/she is strong on knowledge and skills, he/she is also an epitome of right kind of attitude and value system. This has been corroborated by the feedback from several campus recruiting companies.
Coming on the back of achieving 100% campus placement last year, we expect this year to be no different.
While thanking you for reposing your trust on us, we heartily invite you to our campus for placements of PGDM 2017-19 batch.
Best wishes,

Prof. R Sugant
Chairman - Placements
Associate Professor - Marketing
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara
Institute for Management Development, Mysore


SDMIMD, Mysore, one among the top 3% of B-schools in India with CRISIL A** (A Double Star) National rating, scaled new heights in last placement season with highest salary rising to 15.5 lakhs. The institute has achieved commendable placements for its students who bagged lucrative profiles in leading organizations despite the hazy and difficult economic scenario. The graduating batch of 177 students has been placed in reputed organisations cutting across all the established major sectors including: Consultancy, Sales and Marketing, BFSI, Manufacturing, IT, Logistics & Supply Chain and HR.

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