Guest talk by Ms. Annapurna

"How to improve networking at college level?" was the topic of the guest talk organized on October 12, 2013 at SDMIMD auditorium. The invited speaker Ms. Annapurna, HR Head, Esilor India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, introduced different methods of creating and maintaining the data repository of contacts. Ms. Annapurna introduced different facets of networking including interpersonal relationship and refining of data. The introduction of SWOT Analysis of Self involving the student audience was quite interesting. The discussion on importance of research for professional growth was interactive. The speaker gave tips for analyzing the company performance, which certainly help in facing the interviews.  

Guest lecture by Mr. Hari

Mr. Hari, Amba Research, delivered a talk on "Lessons from the Real World of Corporate Life" on October 12, 2013 at the SDMIMD Auditorium.

Guest talk by Mr. Ravishankar

"Don't go for the lower hanging fruit that might not be the sweetest. Don't choose your career based on the first salary", thus opined Mr. Ravishankar SDMIMD Alumnus of PGDM 1997-1999. Mr. Ravishankar, CEO, Aim High India, Bangalore recalled his student days at SDMIMD and narrated the success story of AIM High. He shared the advice given by one of the faculty member "Never chase money, chase success and money will follow" which motived him to achieve success. He concluded with the saying "success means doing the best in whatever field you are working". The interaction session with the students was well taken.

Guest lecture by Mr. C. Balagopal

Mr. C. Balagopal, Senior Advisor at terumo penpol ltd & Director at Enter Technologies Pvt Ltd., delivered a talk on “Bureaucrat to Entrepreneur” on September 27, 2013 at the SDMIMD Auditorium.

Guest Lecture on "Digital Marketing and Online Branding"

The Institute had organised a Guest Lecture on "Digital Marketing and Online Branding" by Mr. Bejoy Veer Suri and Ms. Gunjan Agarwal on 21 September 2013. Mr. Bejoy and Ms. Gunjan are founders of E-SQUARED, an innovative digital media firm. The talk highlighted on the changing nature of marketing and the opportunities that the social media has created.


Mr. Shonit Mittal and Mr. Surya Prakash Hinduja of PGDM 13-15 Batch have won the first place in Phase 1 of the 'NIPM's HR Business Quiz', held on August 17, 2013 at JSS Law College, Mysore. This achievement has made them eligible for the second phase of the event ' Southern Regional Quiz Competition', to be held in Coimbatore. Third and the final round - 'National HR Quiz Competition for HR students', will be held at Goa on Thursday, September 26, 2013.

Abhigyaan 2013

The Two Day Annual event "ABHIGYAAN 2013", Management Fest for Undergraduate students was concluded on 6th October 2013 at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development Mysore. Vidhya Ashram First Grade College Students emerged as overall champions by winning First Prizes in two events Sell Your Spark & Uncanny Enigma and a Second Prize in the event Dossier. Mr Neeladri Das from Alliance University Bangalore win the Best Manager event Tycoon. The Prizes were given away by Mr A.R. Dwarakanath Trainer - Corporate Wellness & Executive - Public Relations of SDMIMD.

Onam Celebration @ SDMIMD

It is normally said that it rains on auspicious occasions. It did so, when King Mahabali visited SDMIMD to bless the gathered SDMites.Onam is a festival celebrated by the people of Kerala to welcome the arrival of their beloved king Mahabali, during whose reign Kerala prospered.Onam started off with the renowned Kerala lunch – ‘Sadya’ with around 14 dishes served on plantain leaf and ‘payasam’ to complete the meal. Later in the evening, the visit of the Mahabali was welcomed with the display of fireworks. The ladies looked stunning in the Kerala saree and the gentleman complemented them by draping in traditional ‘mundu’. A variety of games was lined up for the excited students. To name a few - ‘chilli-eating’, ‘water balloons’, ‘Onathallu’ and ‘Uriyadi’ . ‘Thiruvathira’ a traditional Kerala dance by the girls, by its grace and simplicity stole the show.The celebration displayed pomp and grandeur and brought smiles to the onlookers.

Convergence 3i – The Industry Institute Interface

Convergence 3i, the Industry Institution Interface organised by SDMIMD and CII, reflects the changing face of education

SDMIMD Mysore, in association with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), recently hosted Convergence 3i for the benefit of final year undergraduate students in the area. The Industry Institution Interface, held on 27th September 2013, was meant to help aspiring students understand the expectations and requirements of industry. At the same time, it also aimed to sensitise industry to the expectations students have of their future employers. The conference managed to achieve these goals effectively by bringing together renowned industry names, academic stalwarts and students on a platform where different ideas converged and led to a win-win situation for all. 

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