Campus News

Talk on Industrial Sustainability by Dr. Brahm Sharma

Dr. Brahm Sharma, Director, AIMS Center of Sustainability, Bangalore has familiarized the concepts of geothermal power plants, wave energy, smart cities, urban farming and agricultural improvement as popular viable techniques for the current scenario. He was speaking on the occasion of pre-conference workshop on Inclusive Sustainable Growth: Challenges of Change on November 9, 2017. Dr. Sharma delivered talk on the topic “Sustainable Industrial Development for Inclusive Growth: Opportunities and Challenges”.

Lecture on Social Inclusion by Dr. R. Indira

Dr. R. Indira, Professor of Sociology (Rtd.) & Former Director of International Center delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Inclusive Sustainable Development: A Multi-stakeholder Issue with Special Reference to India”. This talk was a part of pre-conference workshop on Inclusive Sustainable Growth: Challenges of Change on November 9, 2017. Dr.Indira explored all dimensions of the idea of development in India with special emphasis on inclusion of women and marginalised in the society in the development process for sustainability.

Invited Talk on Microfinance by Dr.Rangan Varadan, CEO MicroGram

Dr. Rangan Varadan, Founder and CEO,  MicroGram delivered a lecture on November 9, 2017 to the participants of workshop on Inclusive Sustainable Growth: Challenges of Change.  Dr.Rangan spoke on the role of micro finance and micro finance institutions in inclusive sustainable growth in Indian context. He shed light on the existence, functioning, challenges and the future of microfinance in India.

Workshop Keynote on Sustainability by Dr. Parameshwar P Iyer

Dr. Parameshwar P Iyer, Principal Research Scientist at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore delivered keynote address to the participants of the pre-conference workshop on Inclusive Sustainable Growth: Challenges of Change on November 9, 2017. While speaking on the topic   “Sustainability in Management of Technology”, Prof.Iyer described how fostering and recognizing ongoing innovation and research as intellectual property is important not only for developing businesses and economies, but can also play a major role in reducing the plight of the rural population.

Workshop on Sustainable Inclusive Growth

One-day workshop on “Inclusive Sustainable Growth: Challenges of Change” was held at SDMIMD on November 9, 2017. Dr. Parameshwar P Iyer, Principal Research Scientist at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore delivered keynote address. He spoke on Sustainability in Management of Technology. Dr.N.R.Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, speaking during the inaugural session emphasised on the need for financial and corporate sustainability for the holistic growth to sustain.  Dr.Rangan Varadan, Founder and CEO,  MicroGram delivered a lecture on the role of micro finance and micro finance institutions in inclusive sustainable growth in Indian context. Dr.R. Indira, Professor of Sociology (Rtd.) & Former Director of International Center, explored all dimensions of the idea of development in India with special emphasis on inclusion of women and marginalised in the society in the development process for sustainability. Dr. Brahm Sharma, Director, AIMS Center of Sustainability, Bangalore has familiarized the industrial perspectives of sustainability detailing the concepts of geothermal power plants, wave energy, smart cities, urban farming and agricultural improvement as popular viable techniques for the current scenario. A Panel with eminent resource persons including Dr.N.R.Parasuraman, . Dr.R. Indira and Dr. Brahm Sharma discussed the emerging research issues and avenues in the area of inclusive sustainable growth. The panel was moderated by DR.M.R.Suresh. Professor, SDMIMD. The workshop was coordinated by Dr.B.Venkatraja, Assistant Professor, SDMIMD. 

Academic & Research Tie-up with BAI, France

SDMIMD has entered into an MOU with Business Analytics Institute (BAI), a France based institute involved in training pertaining to Managerial Decision Making, Machine Learning and Visual Communications. As part of this academic collaboration, besides student and faculty exchange, joint research related to Business Analytics is envisaged.  
SDMIMD, as part of its flagship PGDM program is currently offering elective courses related to Analytics like Business Intelligence, Big Data Technologies, R Programming, etc.  With this academic & research tie-up SDMIMD students will have an opportunity to learn the nuances of analytics based managerial decision making with the new course -  “Business Analytics in Action”. Dr. Lee Schlenker, who is the Principal and Managing Partner of Business Analytics Institute, would be the guest-faculty for this course.

'Accreditation Process' - Invited Talk by Dr. Parasuraman

​​SDMIMD Director Dr N.R. Parasuraman addressed the delegates of the 10th International Accreditation Conference organized by the Standards for Educational dvancement & Accreditation (SEAA) Trust, New Delhi on November 6, 2017. Dr. Parasuraman explained the process of EFMD - EPAS accreditation and how SDMIMD geared itself to succeed in the process. ​​

Invited talk by Mr BC Rao

The 2 day international Conference on Marketing held on 26th and 27th of October with a theme, which focused on the contemporary and emerging trends of marketing in Digital World started off with a key note address by Mr BC Rao, MD of Kennametal India Ltd. Mr BC Rao, in his key note address highlighted about the digital initiatives that his organization has taken and how positive its impact has been. Mr Rao also shared his personal experiences during the course of his lecture. He gave tips to students to survive and succeed in the corporate set up.

Guest talk by Mr. Sukumar Rangachari

Mr Sukumar Rangachari, Managing Director, Ace Components and Electronics Pvt ltd, delivered invited talk organized by the E-Cell Club - Swayam at SDMIMD. During the course of his lecture, Mr Sukumar Rangachari spoke about the importance of entrepreneurship. He questioned the audience “Why they wanted to become entrepreneurs?”, and through the course of his lecture, he tried to give the audience a sense of direction and clarity on how to become an entrepreneur. Mr Sukumar Rangachari also emphasised about the importance of a business plan/Model. This was followed by a Q&A session.
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