Campus News

Alumnus speaks on 'Institute to Industry'

Mr. Jacob Thomas, an alumnus of SDMIMD addressed the first year PGDM students on the topic “Institute to Industry”, held on February 11,2017. During the course of his lecture he highlighted the expectations of the Industry. Mr Jacob asked the students to Innovate, Ideate and optimize the existing process. Mr. Jacob also emphasised on the fact that the students must Identify Value in businesses. 
Mr. Jacob Thomas dedicated the session to late Dr Mihir Mahapatra, Professor in Economics.

Startup Charcha 2017

SDMIMD conducted the event Startup Charcha on Feb 9, 2017. This event is a culmination of various entrepreneurship activities undertaken by Swayam - E cell of SDMIMD students. It is also an event that is in line with the current surge in interest on startups and the conducive policy environment for the same. SDMIMD had initiated entrepreneurship activities to give conceptual insights to PGDM students on Entrepreneurship. Swayam – E cell of SDMIMD students has undertaken many activities in the last four years. An elective on Entrepreneurship has also been part of the PGDM program at SDMIMD.
The Startup Charcha event held for the second year in succession had Mr  Aroon Raman, Managing Director, Telos Investments and Technologies (also the author of  best-selling books) delivering the Key Note address. The theme of the address was on Starting and Building a Great Company. Startup Charcha event this year also had a Panel Discussion on the theme Strengthening the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and Implications for Management Education, moderated by Dr M R Suresh, Professor and Faculty Coordinator of E Cell at SDMIMD. The Distinguished Panelists were Mr Vijay Mane, Founder- www., Mr Deepak Nesarikar, Social Entrepreneur and Co-founder- EcoNest projects, Mr Digvijay Bhatkande, Social Entrepreneur and Co-founder-EcoNest projects, Mr Sukumar Rangachari, Director- Pointcross. In addition, there was a brief talk on Tech startups by Prof Rajendra Todalbagi, SDMIMD.
In his Keynote address Mr Aroon Raman highlighted the importance of Product, Quality, Cost, Delivery and Service around which startups could build their strategies and gain competitive advantage in the market. He cited his own experience in excelling in business which had multinationals as competitors. He also highlighted the importance of identifying dimensions that do not change. Underlining the relevance of listening to suggestions, he said that it could come from any quarters. He stressed the importance of taking a long term view of business and ethical dimensions while being pragmatic. In another brief talk Prof Rajendra Todalbagi highlighted the case the of a tech startup in the education sector and indicated as to how students from smaller cities could become successful tech entrepreneurs.
In the Panel discussion moderated by Dr M R Suresh, Professor, SDMIMD, many aspects of entrepreneurship and overcoming initial difficulties of startups were discussed. The distinguished panellists highlighted the enabling role of the government and the importance of structure to implement policies. The panel members also highlighted the positive features of the Startup policies of the government and stated that the reduction in procedural bottlenecks and the financial support for getting patents as important benefits for startup entrepreneurs from smaller cities. It was important to have the financials right and understand the logic of doing business they further emphasized. Role of government in providing an enabling environment was important but crucial decisions rested with entrepreneurs they added. The panellists underscored the importance of incubation centres in management institutions for the alumni as that would reduce their risk profile in the initial years of a startup. Relevance of action based pedagogy as part of management curriculum was very important to encourage students to turn entrepreneurs according to the panellists.

Prof. Minhaj was invited by ESC Pau, France to teach a course on Business Analytics

As part of the exchange arrangement that SDMIMD has with University of Pau, Prof. Mohamed Minhaj of SDMIMD, Mysuru was recently invited by ESC Pau to teach a course on Business Analytics to their MBA students. The course handled by Prof. Minhaj was part of the Digital Innovation and Analytics stream. The other faculty members involved in the Analytics stream included Dr. Lee Schlenker, Senior Professor at ESC Pau, Director of SAS, France and Training Director of NationBuilder, Europe. The course was well received and the approach used was highly appreciated. During his stay at Pau, Prof. Minhaj was invited by the Prince (Mayor) of Laas to discuss the use of technology for community development and was also conferred with the status of Ambassador of Principaute de Laas.

Naissance 2017

The students of SDMIMD organized the flagship student event of the institute Naissance 2017 edition - a National Level Management Fest during February 3 & 4, 2017. The event was designed under the theme “India-The Promised Land” which reflects India as a jewel in the emerging market crown. Naissance’17 challenged the management students from across the country on various fields of management through 8 events, namely, The Best Manager, Finance, Marketing, HR, Operations and Logistics, Systems, Business Plan and Photography challenge. 
The event which was a host to around 140 participants from different B-Schools, was inaugurated by Dr. H. Gayathri, Deputy Director, SDMIMD, by lighting of the lamp, Dr. R Jagadeesh, Student Coordinators Mr. Narendran V and Ms. Shushma Chengappa joined. The event began with the welcome note by Ms. Shushma Chengappa followed by an address by Dr. R Jagadeesh and Dr. H Gayatri. The two day event was sponsored by Acer Incorporation, Vijaya Bank, Reliance Jio and GRS Fantasy Park Mysore. 
The valedictory function of the management fest held on February 4, 2017. Prof M. Sriram of SDMIMD, Mr. Rajagopal of Reliance Jio, participants and the students of SDMIMD were present during the prize distribution and valedictory ceremony.
Mr. Nirmal Abraham from DCSMAT Cochin was recognized as the “Best Manager” in Naissance 2017. St. Joseph’s Institute of Management Bangalore was identified as the Overall Champions for bagging the maximum number of awards in the event. The two day fest came to an end with the vote of thanks delivered by the Student Coordinator Mr. Narendran V. 

Budget Conclave 2017

SDMIMD in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Mysuru jointly organised the 4th edition of 'Union Budget Conclave 2017' the Post Budget Analysis of 2017-18 on February 7, 2017 in SDMIMD Auditorium. Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director & Professor-Finance, SDMIMD, welcomed the gathering and set the tone for the discussions. The conclave included invited talks by eminent persons from the Industry followed by a panel discussion featuring a question and answer session. A team of first year PGDM students presented on ‘Reflections of Union Budget 2017-18’ which set the platform for the deliberations by the panelists.
Dr. N. Muthukumar, Chairman, CII Mysuru highlighted on some of the bold initiatives taken by the government in terms of transparency in operations and impetus to infrastructural development, but was of the opinion that the budget was devoid of roadmap for GST implementation. Mr. Bhaskar Kalale, Senior Vice President and Head-India Operations, Theorem Inc, outlined on cyber security issues and the challenges for the economy to move to a digitized era. 
Mr. Utsav Agarwal, Director, Bhoruka Fabcons Pvt Ltd. spoke on the nuances of how the budget has evolved over the years and highlighted the provisions in the budget for a fillip to MSMEs’. The panel members were of the unanimous view that the budget was inclusive and growth oriented. Dr. M. Sriram, Assistant Professor-Finance, SDMIMD and Coordinator of the Conclave, proposed vote of thanks.

Naissance 2017

The students of SDMIMD organized the flagship student event of the institute Naissance 2017 edition - a National Level Management Fest during February 3 & 4, 2017. The event was designed under the theme “India-The Promised Land” which reflects India as a jewel in the emerging market crown. Naissance’17 challenged the management students from across the country on various fields of management through 8 events, namely, The Best Manager, Finance, Marketing, HR, Operations and Logistics, Systems, Business Plan and Photography challenge. Read More>

Seminar on VUCA times & Challenges for HR

The National Institute of Personnel Management-NIPM, Mysuru Chapter organized a Seminar on VUCA Times and Challenges for HR in association with SDM Institute of Management Development and Wuerth Elektronik India Pvt. Ltd, on the 3rd of February 2017.
Keeping in view the challenges faced by HR professionals in the present era, who are being considered as strategic partners for ensuring effective progression of a company, the topic on VUCA times & Challenges was found necessary. 
The term VUCA was introduced by the US Army War College  to describe the more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world in the post-cold war era. The term was subsequently adopted by the business world to describe the rapidly changing business environment, underscored by globalisation of markets, rebalancing of the global economy, advances in technology, changing demographic trends, new customer needs and disruption of existing business models.
Distinguished speakers from Academia and Corporate who are well versed with the concept were invited to share their perspectives with the delegates who attended the seminar, consisting of HR professionals, Academicians and students in HR from various colleges from Mysuru and Mangalore and Virajpet.
The speakers, Dr.Vasanthi Srinivasan, Prof. IIM-B, spoke on ‘VUCA Times & HR – Moving ahead- Challenges and preparations. Mr. N Balachandar, Vice President- HR, Coffee Day Group spoke on ‘ New Frontiers of HR Leadership in VUCA Times’. Mr. Anil Patro, Director HR Asia Pacific Meritor CVS India Pvt. Ltd  spoke on HR as a strategic Business Partner in Emerging Business Scenario’ and Mr. Harsha Adya, Managing Director Wuerth Elektronik India Pvt. Ltd who spoke on’ Technology driven HR’. 
The Session was chaired by Dr.Moushmi Sengupta, Professor in HR, SDM Institute of Management Development & Chairperson of ISTD, Mysuru Chapter. 

YB Debate 2017

The 5th Edition of ‘Prof. Y. Bhagavan Memorial National Level English Debate’ was jointly organized by SDMIMD and Rotary Mid-town Mysore, on February 3 & 4, 2017 at SDMIMD. Dr. C. Naganna, Visiting Professor, and Former Professor of English & Director of Prasaranga, University of Mysore, delivered the inaugural address. Dr. Naganna in his address said ‘oratory fulfils the lofty purpose; it is up to us to realize its elevated office. Hence, there is need to recover and understand the dignity of a Debate. Our younger men and women have wonderful argumentative ability. My only plea is that they should adopt their superior communicative skill to a higher purpose. It is easy for them to side with rich and powerful because of the verbal mastery. But, their personality will acquire and undimmed lustre if they speak for the weak and voiceless’. Read More>

Cinematics 2017 – Photo & Mannequin Challenge

Drishti – the photo club of SDMites organized the 2017 edition of “Cinematics” - a Photography and Mannequin challenge competition as a part of Naissance 2017, with the theme centered on “People of India”.  A photography exhibition was also conducted to display the captures, which was inaugurated and judged by renowned wildlife photographer and photojournalist S Thippeswamy. Mr. Thippeswamy provided guidance and feedback to the photography committee and offered to conduct workshops for photography enthusiasts in the college. The photography competition was won by Arjun Kumar from Hindustan College (First place) and Jagan P from SDMIMD (Second place). Rajkumar and Madhurish Katta from VVCE, won the Mannequin challenge.
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