An annual event specially designed for movie lovers “Cinematics 2014 - Short Movie Competition” was conducted was part of ongoing “Naissance 2014” annual management fest. Dr Kiran Thotambailu, a medical doctor by profession and well known Kannada film producer and Mr Harsha Shetty, educated at the Met Film School, London, were the invited Judges for the competition. “The Wheel” a Bengali film directed by Subhadipta Biswas & Arijit Mitra was adjudged the best and won the first position. ‘The Wheel’ centres on a similar auto-rickshaw journey that plays both in the physical and mental landscape of a young college girl. “U Turn” a Kannada film directed by Mr Madan Ramvenkatesh, bagged the second position. The “U-Turn” is a film on the Ups and Downs of the modern day relationships and the world that surrounds it! The other movies which were shortlisted were – Lemon Candy, a Musical film directed by Kannan kodoth, “Che”, a Kannada film directed by Shashank Soghal,”Sanjay”, a Kannada film directed by Karthik Nayaka “Mahatma” a Telugu Directed by: Sudheer Kumar “Ekulta Raja” a Marathi Directed by: Junaid Imam “Change for a Change” a Kannada film Directed by: Deepak Hassan S “D Square” a Kannada Directed by: Madan Ramvenkatesh.