MDP on Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

MDP on Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership was delivered in online mode focused on providing real-life experiential sharing inputs both academic and practical using hands-on exercise on September 11, 2020 by Dr. Mousumi Sengupta and Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta.  The faculty resource discussed both personal and social sides of Emotional intelligence which can effectively enhance capabilities for taking up leadership positions in organizations and becoming more effective in their roles as leaders.

MDP on Six Thinking Hats

The MDP on Six Thinking Hats and Management Games for Employee Excellence held on September 4, 2020, aimed at providing insights into the nature and importance of Gamification and Six Thinking Hats. Prof. L. Gandhi, the faculty resource shared the potential impact of 6 Thinking Hats in decision making and introduced few management games used in the organizational context. The faculty resource shared some popular corporate/management stories and provide ideas to construct stories for enhancing the morale of the employees.

MDP on Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

The 2-Day Online MDP on Finance for Non-Finance Professionals was organized on September 3 & 4, 2020. The faculty resource of Day 1 Dr. M. Sriram introduced the foundations of financial reporting through financial statements of companies to the participants. On Day 2, Prof. Kannadas S., gave inputs of Costing for decision making with special reference to ABC costing technique and breakeven analysis. The session concluded with Q&A session with both the resource persons. 

MDP on Predictive Analytics for Business Decision Making

A 2-Day Management Development Program (MDP) on Predictive Analytics for Business Decision Making was organized on August 19 and 20, 2020. Dr Srilakshminarayana G, Faculty – Quantitative Methods, SDMIMD, resource person for this online MDP, provided hands-on experience to the participants on the important methods used for making predictions. Case studies and statistical packages with relevant data sets were used to discuss the various methods. The program has concluded with addressing queries of the participants.

MDP on Project Appraisal and Financing

The Online Management Development Program (MDP) on Project Appraisal and Financing was organized on August 13-14, 2020. The MDP focused on how cash flows are estimated for projects, principles which goes behind in estimating cash flows. Further, the sessions by the faculty resource focused on evaluating projects using various techniques and conflict between techniques are resolved in identifying projects, management, and mitigation of risks in projects. The session concluded with a discussion on how to view and evaluate a merger/acquisition as a project. Faculty resource from SDMIMD Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director & Professor – Finance; Dr. M. Sriram, Associate Professor – Finance; and Prof. S. Kannadas, Assistant Professor; delivered the sessions. 

MDP on HR on Non-HR Managers

A MDP on ‘HR for Non-HR’ was organized on August 7, 2020. The faculty resource Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Professor – HR/OB and Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta, Professor – HR/OB from SDMIMD, focused on the people management issues, faced by professionals engaged in administrative roles and non-HR professionals at all levels, in day-to-day work life situations. The case studies are used to discuss the issues involved in interactions with people, across all levels, irrespective of the nature of our work. Further, the interaction on functions, ranging from leading and motivating staff to appraising their performance was very interesting. The program concentrated on people management skills and techniques for the participants. 

MDP on Business Data Analysis and Power BI

A 2-Day Management Development Program (MDP) on Business Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel and Power BI was organized on July 27 and 28, 2020. Prof. M. Minhaj, Faculty-Systems, SDMIMD, was the resource person for this online MDP. The program provided a comprehensive introduction to MS-Excel and helped the participants to understand the effective ways to use Excel for Data Analysis and Business Modelling. Further, the program helped the participants to get familiarize with the usage of Power BI for Managerial Reporting and Decision Making.

MDP on Managing Difficult Customers

SDMIMD organised 2-Day MDP on “Managing Difficult Customers” on July 23 & 24, 2020. The program was facilitated by the faculty resource from SDMIMD - Dr Mousumi Sengupta, Professor – OB & HR; and, Dr R. Sugant, Professor – Marketing. The program oriented towards employees in customer facing roles including the areas of sales, service delivery and customer support/ service. The program helped the participants to identify different types of difficult customers and convert them into valued partners, thereby generating goodwill, trust, higher sales, and increased profits. The program was delivered through on-line lectures, games, quizzes, and case studies. The participants found immense value in the program and appreciated the program for its highly engaging pedagogy and practical value.

MDP on Corporate Finance

The 2-Day MDP on 'Corporate Finance - A Primer' was organized on July 17 & 18, 2020, through online mode. The program exposed the participants to the various facets of financing decision and the process of linking financial decisions with maximising shareholders value. Further, the importance of time value of money in corporate financial decisions and the tools used in corporate finance decisions were introduced through a hands-on session. 
The faculty resources from the Finance area from the Institute - Dr M. Sriram, Associate Professor and Prof S. Kannadas, Assistant Professor; delivered the sessions. Dr N.R. Parasuraman, Director & Professor, delivered the concluding remarks and gave an overview of the role of Finance in decision-making.   

MDP on Gaining Consumer Insight for Effective Marketing Strategy

SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) organised one-day Management Development Program (MDP) on 'Gaining consumer insight for effective marketing strategy' on July 10, 2020. 
The Online MDP attracted participants from both industry and institutions. The program covered the importance of consumer insights and its different applications for developing an effective market strategy. 
The faculty resource of the program Dr S. Jayakrishnan, Assistant Professor - Marketing, SDMIMD, Mysuru, with some simple research approaches and relevant case studies helped the participants to gain hands-on experience about different methods for gaining consumer insights which will help them to redefine their marketing approach. 
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