Campus News

Guest talk by Mr. VR Aiyappan

Mr. V.R. Aiyappan, Director of EVA Mera Funds Investment Pvt. Ltd, delivered a thought-provoking speech about financial careers on September 9, 2023. He highlighted his credentials, including an MBA, a CFA, and a FRM, while sharing his invaluable insights and personal journey in the finance industry during his presentation. The main goal of the discussion was to provide insight into the many career paths in the finance industry, as well as ways to continue improving one's skills after completing an MBA or PGDM. He gave a thorough description of the purpose and scope of several qualifications, including CPA, CFA, CFP, and FRM. Additionally, he explained the various job categories present in the finance sector, such as risk management, accounting, financial analysis, and investment fund management. The students warmly received Mr. Aiyappan’s presentation and actively engaged in the session by posing questions to him. This interaction not only added value to their understanding of the finance industry but also helped them comprehend the wide array of career prospects within the field.

ESG Talk by Mr. Santosh Gundapi

On September 1, 2023, Mr. Santosh Gundapi, the Chief Operating Officer of AT & S India, spoke to PGDM 2022–24 students enrolled in the ESG Modular specialization. In his captivating lecture, he stressed the crucial role that Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles play in today's global economy. The conversation was centered on the growing requirement to integrate sustainability and sustainable development into business plans, highlighting the emergence of ESG roles within the corporate landscape and the plethora of employment prospects they bring.
In particular, AT & S India highlighted its attempt to recycle an amazing 80% of the water needed at its Nanjangud plant to manufacture printed circuit boards (PCBs), demonstrating its strong commitment to environmental sustainability. The company's commitment to environmental responsibility and its efforts to reduce its ecological footprint are highlighted by this noteworthy accomplishment.
Additionally, Mr. Gundapi clarified AT & S's ambition to establish itself as a premier international provider of premium PCBs. This lofty goal demonstrates the business' dedication to technological advancement and to satisfying the rising need for dependable printed circuit boards on a global scale. With this expansion, AT & S hopes to significantly advance the technology industry while adhering to ESG principles and exemplifying ethical corporate conduct.
A model for other companies in the sector to follow, AT & S India's commitment to ESG integration stands as a beacon of CSR and sustainable growth. AT & S India is unwavering in its commitment to playing a significant role in assisting in the development of a more sustainable and responsible future for the PCB manufacturing sector in a time when such practices are essential.

Outbound Training (OBT) for the WLD Students

The students of batch 2022-2024, who had opted for the Workplace Learning and Development course, were able to experience a transformative Out-Bound Training program conducted at Lead College of Management and guided by Dr. L. Gandhi, Associate Professor- OB&HRM, SDMIMD. Through adventurous activities like trekking, rappelling, and team challenges, participants were able to conquer fears, enhance communication, and develop teamwork. Activities like rope exercises, shooting, and trust walks helped foster adaptability, decision-making, and composure under pressure. The program's mix of physical and emotional challenges prompts personal growth, while experiences like fire walking cultivate mental resilience and self-confidence. Participation in strategic activities such as board climbing and pseudo electric ring helped to develop leadership skills and transparent communication.

Business Law Workshop by Dr. Hema Harsha

Dr. Hema Harsha, Associate Professor, MP Birla Institute of Management, Bengaluru, conducted a workshop on Business Laws and POSH Modules at SDMIMD on 23-24 August 2023.
The workshop covered topics such as contracts, company law, consumer protection, and the Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act (POSH).
Dr. Hema is an experienced legal expert with a wealth of knowledge on business law. She shared her insights on the legal framework of business in India and how businesses can protect themselves from legal risks. She also discussed the POSH Act and how businesses can create a safe and harassment-free workplace for their employees.
The workshop was a valuable learning experience for the participants and helped them to understand the legal aspects of business in India.

Blood Donation Camp 2023

The blood you donate gives someone a second chance at life. Social issues are always addressed by SDMites with great enthusiasm whenever circumstances call for it. Overall, 67 students and faculty members donated blood to this noble cause. Rotary Mysore and Jeevadhara blood banks provided SDMIMD with the opportunity to hold a blood donation camp on August 19, 2023.

ESG Corporate Talk by Mr. Murali, Rane Group

In the recent enlightening session held at our college, Mr. Murali, a distinguished representative from the Rane Group, shared invaluable insights into the realm of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations in the corporate world. With his extensive experience as a Safety and Health Practitioner and Manager at Rane Group, Mr. Murali shed light on how these three crucial aspects significantly impact their operations, the steps taken to ensure ESG compliance, and the broader importance of ESG in today's industries. During the insightful session, Mr. Murali highlighted Rane Group's proactive measures to align with ESG goals. The company has introduced various eco-friendly initiatives to minimize its ecological footprint and on the social front, it is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of its employees, local communities, and stakeholders. Through these initiatives, Rane Group has not only minimized workplace incidents but has also fostered a sense of responsibility towards one another's well-being. Mr. Murali passionately emphasized the significance of ESG in today's dynamic business landscape.
He also gave an interesting example where one of their employees who was trained to give CPR first aid saved a life of an elderly person in Chennai while traveling on a local train and recalled how their training came into use in a real-life situation and saved a life. The talk shed light on the symbiotic relationship between ESG principles and corporate success.
The talk has been organized as a part of the ESG modular specialization for the PGDM 2022-24 batch, held on August 18, 2023.

77th Independence Day celebrations

The 77th Independence Day of India was celebrated at SDMIMD, Mysore, on August 15, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. The SDMIMD family, which includes the directors, faculty, staff, and PGDM students, gathered in front of the administration block. Dr. Nanda Kishore Shetty unfurled the national flag at 8:10 AM, which was then followed by the rendition of the National Anthem.
Dr. Nanda Kishore Shetty addressed the gathering and emphasized the incredible journey of independent India from 1947 to 2023. The journey of India encompasses not only the milestones achieved but also the distance travelled between them. The topic of discussion is the transformation that has taken place from 1947 to 2023. He discussed the numerous unsung heroes and their sacrifices, as well as the innovations, struggles, and aspirations that have contributed to India becoming self-reliant, the world's largest democracy, and the fifth-largest global economy today.
Dr. Shetty emphasized the responsibility of management students, who are the future leaders of India, to work towards guiding our economy, industries, and innovations in the right direction. He encouraged them to innovate, not only with gadgets and apps but also with ideas such as creating an app that promotes kindness or developing a platform where the only status, they can update is a good deed they have done. Another suggestion was to share photos of themselves planting trees in public spaces. In his concluding remarks, he urged everyone to embrace the spirit of independence not just on Independence Day but every day of their lives.
Team Kalanubhav and Team Samprathi organized a series of cultural programs featuring captivating dance performances and patriotic songs. The event concluded with a community breakfast.

CMDP for Wurth Electronics employees

The Corporate Management Development Program (CMDP) was conducted for the first batch of 18 participants from Wuerth Electronic. The CMDP sessions started from June 27th, 2022, to October 10th, 2022, at the SDMIMD and Wuerth Elektronik Mysore campuses. A workshop was organized on August 4, 2023, at SDMIMD which marked the conclusion of CMDP.

Young Managers Empowered with Whistleblowing and Ethics

Dr. Kristian Alm, the distinguished Professor of Ethics at BI Norwegian Business School, Norway, and Head of Research on Global Bibliography on Whistleblowing, delivered an enlightening talk on the significance of building awareness about Whistleblowing for the benefit of employees, communities, and society as a whole. The talk, held on July 26, 2023, aimed to orient the PGDM Batch 2023-25 about the concept of Whistleblowing in the contemporary world. The talk emphasized the vital role Whistleblowing plays in promoting ethics, transparency, and accountability within organizations and institutions worldwide.
During the talk organized on July 27, 2023, Dr. Heidi Karisen, a Senior Academic Librarian and Researcher at BI Norwegian Business School and Senior Lecturer at the University of Oslo, further enriched the discussion by presenting various real-life cases from both Indian and international contexts. In the spirit of fostering ethical awareness, Dr. Karisen discussed the significant impact of Whistleblowing by citing examples like the Bhopal Gas Tragedy of 1984 and the Indian Oil Corporation case of 2005.
The talk also highlighted the crucial research work being carried out on building the 'Global Bibliography on Whistleblowing,' where SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) serves as the esteemed Indian Chapter. Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Principal Investigator & Professor of OB & HR, and Dr. Sunil M.V., Co-Investigator & Assistant Professor of Systems and General Management, both from SDMIMD, actively contribute to this significant project along with the student researchers – Mr Druva N, Mr Taha Dhilawala, Mr Yashwanth, and Mr Kaydawala Saifuddin, from PGDM 2022-24 Batch.
Dr. Alm and Dr. Karisen's insightful talks left a lasting impact on the young minds of the PGDM Batch 2023-25, equipping them with valuable knowledge and inspiring them to uphold ethical practices throughout their professional journeys.
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