Dr. N.R. Parasuraman
Director & Professor - Finance
- Parasuraman, N. R. (2017). Do the anticipated profit patterns of bull spreads with calls act as a lead indicator of market? - an exploratory study. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
Dr. R. Jagadeesh
BE, ME, Ph. D
Dean - Academics & Professor - Operations
Jagadeesh, R. (2017). Spiritual Obsession and its Influence on Behavioral Aspects of Students. Global Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine, ISSN: 2573-2447; Volume: 02, Issue:12, December 2017, DOI: 10.19080/GJARM.2017.04.555648.
Jagadeesh, R. (2017). Performance benchmarking of electricity power stations using Data Envelopment Analysis. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
Jagadeesh, R., Srilakshminarayana, G., Todalbagi, Rajendra & Dhurkari, Ram Kumar [Editors] (2017). National Conference on Operations Management, Analytics & Statistical Methods Proceedings. Mysore, SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-20-8].
Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta M.A. & Ph.D. Professor - OB/HRM |
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Social Media Recruiting: A Critical Review. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), ISSN 0972-4613, Vol.18 (1), July- December, pp 96-101.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Story of Lufthansa Group: Flying with Colors. International Journal in Management and Social Science, ISSN: 2321-1784, Vol.5 (9), September, pp 176-191.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta. (2017). Managing stress at workplace: A study on nurses in private hospitals in Mysore and Bangalore. International Conference on Management & Behavioural Sciences (IC17Italy Conference), SDMIMD and Global Business Research, Italy, ISBN: 987-1-943579-95-2, July 1-3, 2017.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi [Compilers] (2017). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
- Sengupta, Mousumi, Pavithra, S. & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2017). Employee Engagement: An overview. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, ISSN 0972-4613, Vol. 17(2), (January-June 2017), pp 98-102.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Stress at workplace. International Journal of Latest Engineering & Management Research, ISSN 2455-9847, Vol.2(2), February, pp 22-29.
- Sengupta Nilanjan (2017). The Amazon Way: 14 leadership principles behind the world’s most disruptive companies by John Rossman, 164 Pages, Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2 edition (9 May 2014), ISBN-10: 1499296770. Review published in SDM Journal of Management, Vol. 8., Issue No. March 2017.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Role of HRM in implementing CSR. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRM, GradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Social Media Recruiting: A Critical Review. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), ISSN 0972-4613, Vol.18 (1), July- December, pp 96-101.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Story of Lufthansa Group: Flying with Colors. International Journal in Management and Social Science, ISSN: 2321-1784, Vol.5 (9), September, pp 176-191.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta. (2017). Managing stress at workplace: A study on nurses in private hospitals in Mysore and Bangalore. International Conference on Management & Behavioural Sciences (IC17Italy Conference), SDMIMD and Global Business Research, Italy, ISBN: 987-1-943579-95-2, July 1-3, 2017.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi [Compilers] (2017). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
- Sengupta, Mousumi, Pavithra, S. & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2017). Employee Engagement: An overview. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, ISSN 0972-4613, Vol. 17(2), (January-June 2017), pp 98-102.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Stress at workplace. International Journal of Latest Engineering & Management Research, ISSN 2455-9847, Vol.2(2), February, pp 22-29.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Role of HRM in implementing CSR. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
Prof. Malathi Sriram
MCA, P.G. Diploma in System Analysis, M.Phil.
Associate Professor - Systems
- L. Gandhi & Malathi Sriram (2017). Exploring the dynamica virtus of Machine Learning (ML) in Human Resource Management - A Critical Analysis of IT industry. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (E-ISSN: 2347-2693), Vol.5 (12), December.
Malathi Sriram (2017). Integrating MOOC in Traditional Classrooms for Business Management Graduate Students: A Case Study. Presidency Journal of Management Thought & Research" PJMTR: Vol. VII, No. 1, January - June; ISSN 2229-5275; pp 51-55.
Malathi Sriram (2017). "Archiving Institutional Information using Omeka" "Digital Business: Business Algorithms, Cloud Computing and Data Engineering"; Publisher -Springer, Germany
Malathi Sriram (2017). Asian Continent adaptation - "Modern Database Management Systems" Hoffer, Topi, Venkatraman - 12e in Dec 2017.
Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
M.Sc., MDBA & Ph.D
Associate Professor - Systems
- Neetu Ganapathy (2017). A Qualitative Study to Identify the Factors that Influence the Acquisition of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems by Small and Medium Enterprises. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
R Sugant
Associate Professor - Marketing
- Sugant, R. (2017). A Study on Servitization by Manufacturing Companies in Mysore. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
Mohamed Minhaj MCA, M.Phil Associate Professor - Systems |
- Gandhi, L. & Minhaj, Mohamed (2017). HR Analytics: A big deal for C-suite in Talent Management. FOCUS International Journal of Management, Vol.12 (2), ISSN: 0973 9165, October 2016-March 2017.
- Minhaj, Mohamed (2017). Clustering Of Conference Papers Using Lda Based Topic Modeling. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Assistant Professor - Finance
- Sriram, M. (2017). An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Exchange Exposure of CNX 100 Companies. International Journal of Financial Management, ISSN. 2229-5682, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 1-9.
- Sriram, M & Venkatraja, B (2017). Do Flow of FDI and Stock Index Movements Corroborate Long-term Relationship? An Empirical Analysis of India. The African Journal of Finance and Management, Vol.26(1), January, pp. 56-66.
- Sriram, M. (2017). Modelling of Asymmetric Volatility- An Empirical Study of Crude Oil Price. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G M.Sc., Ph.D. Assistant Professor - Quantitative Methods |
- Srilakshminarayana, G. (2017). A Model to Teach Statistical Methods to a Management Student. Region 10 Conference South Asia Council for Business Schools and Programs (Region 10) Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP, USA).
- Srilakshminarayana, G. (2017). On Usage of WhatsApp by the Students in Mysore. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
- Jagadeesh, R., Srilakshminarayana, G., Todalbagi, Rajendra & Dhurkari, Ram Kumar [Editors] (2017). National Conference on Operations Management, Analytics & Statistical Methods Proceedings. Mysore, SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-20-8].
Dr. Venkatraja B MA, Ph.D Assistant Professor - Economics |
- Venkatraja, B. (2017). Addressing the paradox of public expenditure – economic growth nexus: an econometric approach. Economic Thought Journal, ISSN: 0205-1990, (ABDC listed), Issue.5. October, pp. 109-128.
Venkatraja, B. (2017). Demystifying Consumption – Savings Paradox: An Exploratory Study of Indian Case. Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance and Banking (JEIEFB): An Online International Research Journal, ISSN: 2306-367X (Online), Vol.6 (2), pp. 2203-2214.
Venkatraja, B. (2017). What Drives Growth in India – Consumption Spending or Investment? An Exploratory Study. Thirteenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking, SDMIMD and Global Business Research, Singapore, August 4-5.
Sriram, M & Venkatraja, B (2017). Do Flow of FDI and Stock Index Movements Corroborate Long-term Relationship? An Empirical Analysis of India. The African Journal of Finance and Management, Vol.26(1), January, pp. 56-66.
Venkatraja, B. (2017). Impulse Response of Economic Growth to Renewable Energy Shocks: Indian Scenario. FOCUS International Journal of Management, ISSN: 0973 9165 (print), Vol.12 (2), pp. 6-10.
Venkatraja, B. (2017). Keynes' Expansionary Fiscal Policy Not At Work in Karnataka. Southern Economist, (ISSN 0038-4046), Vol.55 (23) April, pp.13-15.
Venkatraja, B. (2017). Demystifying the Sensitivity of Economic Growth to Government and Private Consumption Expenditures: An Empirical Study of India. European Journal of Business and Management, ISSN: 2222-1905 (Paper), ISSN 2222-2839 (Online), Vol. 9(7), pp 117-122.
- Venkatraja, B. (2017). Fiscally Prudent Expansionary Budget: Key to Growth Sustainability. Southern Economist, ISSN: 0038-4046, Vol.55(20), February, pp 43-44.
- Venkatraja, B. (2017). Feedback Effects of Inflation and Economic Growth in India: An Econometric Analysis. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
L Gandhi
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
- L. Gandhi (2017). Educating the Future Leaders: Role of Teachers and the Impact of Smart Technology. Contemporary Research in India (A peer-reviewed multi-Disciplinary International Journal) ISSN 2231-2137, Vol. 07, Issue 04, December; pp. 5-9.
- L. Gandhi & Malathi Sriram (2017). Exploring the dynamica virtus of Machine Learning (ML) in Human Resource Management - A Critical Analysis of IT industry. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (E-ISSN: 2347-2693), Vol.5 (12), December.
- Kannadas, S. & Gandhi, L. (2017). Misperception of Optimism Culminates in Erroneous Corporate Financial Decision Making- A Review. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Vol.7 (12), December; ISSN (o): 2249-7382, pp.349-361.
- Gandhi L. (2017). Entrepreneurial and training challenges encountered by the women self - help groups and revamping strategies to enhance their business in Coimbatore, India. National conference on Trends and Prospects in Business and financial markets; JSS Centre for Management Studies, Mysuru; December 15-16, 2017, ISBN: 978-93-86724-26-7
- Gandhi, L. & Minhaj, Mohamed (2017). HR Analytics: A big deal for C-suite in Talent Management. FOCUS International Journal of Management, Vol.12 (2), ISSN: 0973 9165, October 2016-March 2017.
- Gandhi, L (2017). Rise and fall of YAHOO!-the missteps of the leader and its headwind consequences. GITAM Journal of Management, ISSN: 0972-740X, Vol.15 (1), pp.122-134.
- Gandhi, L. (2017). Human Resource Challenges in VUCA and SMAC Business Environment. ASBM Journal of Management, Vol.X(I), ISSN 0974-8512, (January to June 2017).
Gandhi, L. (2017). People Management nuances of CEO styled PM Narendra Modi and distinctive lessons for business Professionals- A practical approach. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
Prof. Kannadas S
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc)
Assistant Professor - Finance
- Kannadas, S. & Gandhi, L. (2017). Misperception of Optimism Culminates in Erroneous Corporate Financial Decision Making- A Review. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Vol.7 (12), December; ISSN (o): 2249-7382, pp.349-361.
- Kannadas S. (2017). Quickstart- Financial stipulation of a start up. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research. ISSN: 2455-8834. Vol.02 (Issue 12); December 2017. pp 5456-5462.
- Kannadas, S. (2017). Entangle of Gender & Experience on Investment Behaviour of Corporate Investors. IJSR - International Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN: 2277 - 8179, Vol. 6(2), February, pp 641-643.
Dr. Sunil M.V.
M.L.ISc, Ph.D
- Chndrappa and Sunil M.V. (2017). Next generation catalogues: a comparative analysis of OPACs of University libraries in India. Journal of Library Development (JDL), Vol.3 (1), ISSN (Print): 2395-518X,January, pp. 25-37.