Guest Lecture 1617

Talk on Digital Marketing, Big Data and Analytics

Mr. Bhaskar Kalale, Senior Vice President, India Operations, Theorem Inc., and his associate, Mr. Ashok Srinivas, delivered invited talk on topic Digital Marketing, Big Data and Analytics, on August 2, 2016. The talk pointed out the differences between the traditional channels and the digital channels of analytics. The speakers emphasised on - big data, being Volume, Velocity, Veracity, and Variety.

Interactive Session on HR Strategies

It was an experiential sharing for an HR Professional and great learning for HR specialization SDMites of PGDM 2015-17 batch on Saturday, July 30, 2016. The interactive session on ‘HR Strategies’ lead by Mr. Praveen Kamath, General Manager - Human Resources, Wipro Limited. The discussion covered recruitment career options for HR, Succession planning, Role of an OD practitioner, Changing Performance Culture, Organizational dynamics in the context of emerging countries.  The session concluded with Q&A and discussions on the topics covered.

Webinar on Marketing by Alumnus

Ms. Ranjani Madhavan, Marketing Excellence Leader, 3M, Switzerland and alumna of the institute addressed the marketing students of the institute through Skype on July 20, 2016. 
After illustrating the value creation from marketing with help of some international cases, Ms. Ranjani helped the participants understand the different job profiles related to marketing domain. She also shared many tips with the students regarding how to prepare for a marketing career.

Talk on ‘Kaizen’ by Quality Circle Mentor

Mr. B.N. Jagadeesh Prasad combined his rich experience on Quality Circles as Mentor and with his own personal success stories on Kaizen and presented his talk on incremental and continuous improvement of quality, Mr. Jagadeesh illustrated how Kaizen is not limited to manufacturing environment but also applicable to any other situation. He suggested that students form Kaizen clubs start exploring the opportunities for improvement. His ability to connect with the students through his rich experience sharing enabled the audience to understand and appreciate the power of Kaizen technique. The talk was part of orientation program organized for PGDM 2016-18 batch on June 23, 2016 at the institute auditorium. 

‘Goal Setting and Skill Development is Core’ – M. Muthaiah

The invited talk on June 23, 2016 by HR expert Mr. M. Muthaiah, Senior Vice President – HR, Carborundum Universal Limited, Chennai, was part of the induction program for the new batch of PGDM Program. Mr. Muthaiah, narrated the progress of the Murugappa Group of industries which has diversified into various sectors and has presence in many countries.. Mr. Muthaiah illustrated the importance of achieving success through goal setting and explained how it is necessary to acquire different skills apart from the main stream studies in management.

Alumnus on Campus – Mr. Pramod P

It was always interesting, interactive and informative to here from an alumnus, the PGDM 2016-18 had an opportunity to meet and interact with alumns of PGDM 2001-03 Mr. Pramod, P. Pramod drew on his experiences in the corporate sector to demonstrate how roles keep changing in the industry. He called upon the budding managers to be prepared to take risks and willing to learn more. He explained how the SWOT analysis is very important in setting goals and enables a person to march towards success.

Invited talk by Mr. Praveen Kamath

Mr. Praveen Kamath, GM and a Global HR leader, Wipro, candidly indicated to the students as to how one can succeed when they rise to the expectations, in his talk organized on June 18, 2016 in Institute Auditorium. Mr. Kamath strongly emphasized on hard work, and urged the students to stay away from time killers, and time wasters. He advised the students to acquire global certifications, and establish through social networking. He also suggested super specialization in one area to become successful professionals.

Be Passionate, Ready to Change & Challenge – Mr. Arun Nayar

Hailing from military background, Mr. Arun Nayar, Director – HRD, Infrastructure, Facilities and HSE, Safran Engineering Services India, Bangalore, was able to connect with the fresh batch of SDMIMD narrating his experiences off and on the battle filed. Mr. Arun narrated the story behind the growth of Safran Company and their expertise in HiTech areas like aerospace and security systems. He called upon the new batch of PGDM 2016-18 to be passionate about what they do and learn as much as they can, and discouraged blind following of fads or chasing of fancy ideas. He further mentioned about the need to change and challenge to achieve success. The talk was organized on June 18, 2016 at Institute Auditorium. 

Move from ‘Can’ attitude to ‘Will’ attitude – Mr. Vijay Deshpande

Mr. Vijay Deshpande, Vice President – HR, J.K. Tyres, New Delhi, focused on “lead yourself to success and be very successful professionals” in his talk on June 18, 2016 at our Institute auditorium. Mr. Vijay explained the importance of motivation, and suggested different approaches like seeking the help of a mentor, discussing with friends, and listening to good speakers, to the new batch of PGDM 2016-18. He emphasized on moving from “can” attitude to “will” attitude.
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