Campus News

MDP on Team Building and Conflict Management Strategies

The online MDP on Team Building and Conflict Management Strategies was organized on September 25, 2020. The faculty resource Dr. Mousumi Sengputa and Prof. L. Gandhi through interactive mode discussed seven factors for effective team building. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI); How to avoid bullying; knowing the team members; and learning from the mistakes; have been highlighted in the session. The faculty resource discussed the approaches to team building and its benefits. The program also emphasized the means to understand different types of conflicts in teams and strategies to resolve the same.

MDP on Dimensions of Leadership

One-Day MDP on Dimensions of Leadership delivered by Dr. M.R. Suresh and Dr. S.N. Prasad on September 22, 2020, through online mode. The program is focused on exploring the facets of leadership roles which affect the manager and the leader in terms of strategic thinking and execution. The program replete with leadership examples from all domains from across the world. The program concluded with Q&A session.

MDP on Behavioural Finance

Prof. S. Kannadas was the faculty resource for the One-Day MDP on Behavioural Finance held on September 19, 2020, delivered through online mode. Inaugurating the program, Director of the Institute Dr. N.R. Parasuraman briefed about the behavioural aspects of an individual and an institutional investor. The faculty resource Prof. Kannadas discussed the behavioural and psychological aspects related to financial decisions of an investor. The sessions were more of case-based discussions and the possible solution to reduce the errors which are commonly done by irrational investors.

MDP on Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership

MDP on Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership was delivered in online mode focused on providing real-life experiential sharing inputs both academic and practical using hands-on exercise on September 11, 2020 by Dr. Mousumi Sengupta and Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta.  The faculty resource discussed both personal and social sides of Emotional intelligence which can effectively enhance capabilities for taking up leadership positions in organizations and becoming more effective in their roles as leaders.

Guest Lecture by Dr. Neetika Batra

On September 9 & 10, 2020, to discuss on Security Analysis, Investment Banking, and Mergers & Acquisition with the Finance Elective students of PGDM 2019-2021 the SDMIMD invited the domain expert from the corporate Dr. Neetika Batra. The speaker gave valuable inputs investment platforms and current trends in the security market mechanisms. On September 10, focused on M&A, the speaker gave input about the split off & spin off common shares, employee stock option plan and its significance.

SDMIMD Toastmasters Club Celebrates its Sixth Anniversary

SDMIMD Toastmasters celebrated its sixth anniversary on September 5, 2020. To commemorate the occasion, a virtual meeting was organized via Microsoft Teams. The theme of the meeting was "Ikigai", a Japanese word which means "the reason for which you wake up in the morning". The keynote speaker was Mr. Jaikumar Pillai from the Travancore Toastmasters Club. A passionate Toastmaster, Mr. Pilllai, gave an insightful speech on what it takes to be a Toastmaster and how one can gain from the experience. 
The meeting was attended by Toastmasters from VVCE, Infosys, SDMIMD, Wipro BEATS, Bangalore and Travancore and they were joined by an enthusiastic batch of SDMIMDites from the new batch of 2020-2022 bringing the total number of participants to 100. The host, VP Education TM Khushboo, zestfully carried forward the meeting. The Table Topics or the impromptu speech section was hosted by the club President TM Sanketh and it saw great participation by the guests, members and students. Dr. Neetu Ganapathy emerged as the Best Table Topics speaker and Mr. Siva Kumar (from Batch 20-22) emerged as the best first-timer.
Evaluation of every performance is very crucial at every Toastmasters meeting. The team comprising TM Sebu, TM Sandipa (Club coach), TM Chayankit, TM Karan, and TM Ankita took charge of providing constructive feedback to the role takers and speakers. As the founder of Toastmasters International, Ralph C Smedley said, "We learn best in the moments of enjoyment", SDMIMD Toastmasters strives to provide a great environment to learn.

MDP on Six Thinking Hats

The MDP on Six Thinking Hats and Management Games for Employee Excellence held on September 4, 2020, aimed at providing insights into the nature and importance of Gamification and Six Thinking Hats. Prof. L. Gandhi, the faculty resource shared the potential impact of 6 Thinking Hats in decision making and introduced few management games used in the organizational context. The faculty resource shared some popular corporate/management stories and provide ideas to construct stories for enhancing the morale of the employees.

MDP on Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

The 2-Day Online MDP on Finance for Non-Finance Professionals was organized on September 3 & 4, 2020. The faculty resource of Day 1 Dr. M. Sriram introduced the foundations of financial reporting through financial statements of companies to the participants. On Day 2, Prof. Kannadas S., gave inputs of Costing for decision making with special reference to ABC costing technique and breakeven analysis. The session concluded with Q&A session with both the resource persons. 

'Diamond' Rating to SDMIMD by I-Gauge, India

SDMIMD, Mysuru has been awarded the highest level of 'Diamond' Rating among the management institutes of India by the QS-I-Gauge, the India specific rating agency for the Quacquarelli Symonds, London. Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings and the Higher Education Institutes Ranking have universal acceptance across the world in the fraternity of higher education institutions, corporate employers and among the student community. The rating has examined several parameters relevant to management education and given that overall ranking based on an independent study.
It may be recalled that SDMIMD was also awarded the Business School Impact System (BSIS) certification by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in Jan 2020 and the EFMD Accreditation for the SDMIMD's PGDM program has been successfully renewed in Feb 2020 for a period of 3 years.
It is relevant to mention here that during these COVID restriction months, SDMIMD could complete full admissions for the 2-year PGDM program 2020-22 and the classes have commenced in the online mode.
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