Campus News

SDMIMD JoM gets UGC Approval

SDMIMD's scholarly peer reviewed publication 'SDMIMD Journal of Management (SDMIMD JoM)' got listed in UGC Approved Journals List.
Visit Link: for submission of article.

Toastmaster talk

On June 24, 2017, the batch of 2017 was introduced to Toastmasters International.  TM Rohit Koka delivered a motivational speech and told the batch of the benefits of becoming a member. TM Vedanth from the Infosys club spoke about the practical importance of the club and he cited examples of how members gained from the club and improved. The meeting was hosted by TM Madhavi Chouthai, Vice President-Education, SDMIMD Toastmasters’ Club. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks proposed by TM Anand. M. Dileep, President SDMIMD Toastmasters’ Club.

Mr. Harsha Aadya, Managing Director, Wuerth Electronik India on Campus

Mr Harsha Aadya, MD, Wuerth Electonik India, was invited to address the PGDM 2017-19 batch as a part of the Orientation Program 2017. Mr. Aadya spoke about the importance of having a vision and goal and what the corporate world is expecting from the employees. During the course of his lecture, Mr Harsha Aadya also spoke about the leadership. The Q&A session was highly interactive and informative. 

Session by Emeritus Professor - Dr. Shamanna

Dr K. Shamanna, HR Consultant and Trainer addressed the first year students on June 20, 2017 at SDMIMD Auditorium.  Dr. Shamanna said how students can be change agents in organizations that are in. He emphasised the need for having positive attitude, enthusiasm and team work, during the session. The professor also stressed on the fact that collaboration is more essential than competition.

Interactive session on ‘Counselling’

Counsellor and Trainer Ms. Ruchika Naidu addressed the new PGDM 2017-19 batch on June 18, 2017. The interactive session covered the various aspects of counselling, such as ‘what is counselling?’, ‘Why people need counselling?’, and other myths about counselling. The session had role plays from students. There were other fun activities as part of the session. 

Session on Wellness Management

Mr. Brahmavar Raghunath Pai (BR Pai), a well-known industrialist, philanthropist, civic leader, wellness promoter and public speaker from Mysore, spoke on ‘Wellness Management’ on June 17, 2017 as a part of Orientation Program 2017. Mr Pai introduced the concept of Total Wellness Management and presented the comparison between healthcare and wellness. Imparting the difference between proactive and reactive measures in Wellness, he called that the students remain active, physically and mentally.

Talk on VUCA by HR Expert

Mr Praveen Kamath, Global Head – Talent Transformation (BPS Division), Wipro Limited, delivered invited talk on VUCA to the PGDM 2017-19 Batch on Saturday, June 17, 2017. Mr. Kamath spoke about the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) world and various aspects of VUCA world. The discussion on how one can overcome VUCA with the new batch was interesting.

Invited Talk on ‘Innovation’

On Friday, June 16, 2017, the PGDM 2017-19 students had an opportunity to understand ‘Innovation’. They interacted with Mr. Sundar Varadaraj Perangur, Advisor, Implantaire Technologies (I) Ltd., which is an innovating company. Mr Sundar introduced the student audience to the different types of innovation. Quoting the example of Tesla, he said innovators should dare to try and fail and learn from mistakes. He stressed on continuous improvement in life.

CEO on Campus – Invited Talk

‘It is important that we desire to create rather than becoming a creation of something’ thus said Mr. Arunakar Mishra, MD and CEO, Genser Aerospace and information Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, during the orientation program invited talk delivered on June 16, 2017 at SDMIMD. 
Mr.Arunakar Mishra also spoke about Monte Carlo simulation and told the gathering that problem solving will be easier with the knowledge of Monte Carlo simulation and simulation in general.

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