Campus News

Visit to Toyota Kirloskar Plant by SDMites

Students of "Lean and Green Management" course had an opportunity to witness Lean and Green Management in action at Toyota Kirloskar Auto Parts Pvt. Ltd. (TKAP), Bidadi on the outskirts of Bangalore on November 19, 2016. 
TKAP was established in 2002 and manufactures Axles & Shafts, Transmissions and Engines for Toyota vehicles.  These power train subsystems are supplied to Toyota companies in India and globally.
The plant visit kicked off with a welcome note and a brief introduction to Toyota History and Philosophy by Manufacturing Head and VP, Mr. Sadashiv Baligar. He stressed that Toyota's fundamental philosophy rests on two key principles viz: Respect for the people and Continuous improvement. This was followed by a session on overview of Toyota Production System (TPS) and implementation at TKAP by a Certified TPS trainer Mr. Dixit. He explained how TPS focuses on Safety, Quality, Productivity, Cost, Employee morale and Customer satisfaction which are central to the TPS. Further a tour of shop floor was conducted to observe manufacturing and assembly of Power train (Engine, transmission and drive shafts). 
Shop floor tour gave an insight and good understanding of shop floor management practices of Toyota including 5S implementation, Zen in Sanka (total employee involvement), Operation of Kanban system for production and WIP control, Pokayoke (foolproof systems), visual control systems like Andon, Mizsumashi, part supply and replenishment through Automatic guided vehicles (AGVs).
The visit concluded with a lunch at the cafeteria hosted by TKAP and final Q&A session with TKAP shop floor management team who clarified and addressed various queries and doubts from students on the TPS implementation at TKAP.
Overall, it was a great learning experience for students to see various lean tools in action and could get a holistic view of lean management system by the pioneers of Lean Management.

International Economics Conference (IEC) 2016

The 2nd International Economics Conference was held on November 18 &19, 2016 on the overreaching theme of “Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Development”. The Conference was inaugurated by Dr Kaliappa Kalirajan, Professor of Economics at Australian National University, Canberra. After formally inaugurating the conference, Prof. Kalirajan delivered the keynote address. His talk centred around Asia emerging as an economic power of the 21st century. Emphasising on the need for regional co-operation among the Asian countries, Dr.Kaliragan advocated that such co-operation would facilitate better trade relations, sharing of technological resources which in turn could help each other in becoming the economic powers of tomorrow. 
Shri. Ashok Balaram, Senior Vice President, SysInformation while delivering his invited lecture, provided valuable insights on the role of health sector in the inclusive growth and sustainable development. Shri. Abhishek Ranjan, Global Head-CSR and Sustainability of Brillio Technology stressed that CSR is the mechanism towards sustainability and such practices should be implemented in all business processes which would help enhance operational efficiency, labour satisfaction, create a brand value and recognition and create a greener supply chain.
In his technical session, Dr Stephen Aro-Gordon, Professor of Finance, Baze University, Nigeria spoke on “Green Banking in Nigeria: The first steps”.He also provided insight on ramifications of green banking, green patterns and the need for green banking in agriculture in Nigeria. 
Shri. K.N Janardhana, National Director, RSETIs, spoke on the role of rural self-employment institutes in inclusive economic growth and sustainable development. He narrated the success story of RSETIs in meeting the objectives of inclusive growth. Dr.Stuart Locke, Professor of Finance, Waikato University, New Zealand delivered the valedictory address. He analysed the empirical results reflecting how environmental factors, social factors and corporate governance would impact financial performance of the corporate organisations
The conference was attended by more than 250 delegates from several countries including Australia, New Zealand, Nepal, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Fiji, Iran and other Middle East countries. More than 180 research papers and case studies were presented, discussed and deliberated across the two days. Various issues pertaining to the conference theme were debated in parallel track sessions. green energy, FDI, green practices, micro-finance, third sector initiatives for grass root growth were few among major topics discussed which has created foundation for further research. 
Dr. B. Venkatraja, Assistant Professor of Economics, Conference Chair, coordinated the proceedings.
Photo Gallery | Newsclips: The Hindu | Times of India

National Library Week Celebration

The SDMites celebrated National Library Week 2016 in a Government School where they have taken-up the responsibility of giving ‘School Library’ to the young minds. The essay and drawing competition on theme ‘My School Library’ was organized for the high school children of Adarsha Vidyalaya, Jockey Quarters, Mysore.
SDMites initiative LIFE@ School (Library Initiative for Education at School) which involves setting up and establishing a Library for the students of Adarsha Vidyalaya. They have planned to operationalize the active library during December 2016. To understand the expectations from the children this activity was conducted as a part of National Library Week celebration. The exhibition of most circulated Management Classics, AV materials and Harvard Collections at SDMIMD Library was part of the celebration during November 16 to 20, 2016 at SDMIMD

Invited talk on 'Indian Financial Sector'

Mr. G. Giridhar Prabhu, Director, Achal Indutries Pvt. Ltd. and Chairman of Economics Research Centre, Mangalore; delivered an invited talk on Indian Financial Sector. The talk focused on highlighting various issues pertaining to the Indian Financial Sector, at the institute on November 19, 2016.
Mr. Giridhar analysed the implications of GST on export sector and opined that impact of GST on the export industries will be positive. The talk concluded with a discussion with the SDMites on certain strategies to make India and Indian Bankers the best amongst the world.

SDMites Visit to Toyota Kirloskar Plant

Students of "Lean and Green Management" course had an opportunity to witness Lean and Green Management in action at Toyota Kirloskar Auto Parts Pvt. Ltd. (TKAP), Bidadi on the outskirts of Bangalore on November 19, 2016. 
TKAP was established in 2002 and manufactures Axles & Shafts, Transmissions and Engines for Toyota vehicles.  These power train subsystems are supplied to Toyota companies in India and globally. Read More>

Workshop on Social Responsibility and Sustainability

A one-day workshop on the theme of “Social Responsibility and Sustainability” was organised on November 17, 2016 preceding  the 2nd International Economics conference at the Institute. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Kaliappa Kalirajan, Professor of Economics of Australian National University, and he followed up by delivering a session on the topic of the workshop.  Dr. Kalirajan presented a case study of Uttarakhand state in India relating to “Self Help Group – Social Responsibility Nexus”. Read More>

Workshop on Social Responsibility and Sustainability

A one-day workshop on the theme of “Social Responsibility and Sustainability” was organised on November 17, 2016 preceding  the 2nd International Economics conference at the Institute. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Kaliappa Kalirajan, Professor of Economics of Australian National University, and he followed up by delivering a session on the topic of the workshop.  Dr. Kalirajan presented a case study of Uttarakhand state in India relating to “Self Help Group – Social Responsibility Nexus”.  
This was followed by a session from Dr. Stephen Aro- Gordon, Professor of Finance in Baze University, Nigeria who focused on the Sustainable Ranking Principles in Nigeria which include 4Ws and 1H of the sustainable banking in Nigeria. He stressed that the need for social responsibility is gaining significance in the context of uncharacteristic situation of rapid growth and high unemployment in Nigeria. 
In the post lunch session, Shri. Abhishek Ranjan, Global Head–CSR and Sustainability of Brillio Technology Ltd., in his talk emphasised  the need for responsible corporate practices towards society to sustain the growth. 
A Panel Discussion on the topic of “Mainstreaming Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Organisations” followed. The panel consisted of Dr. M. Indira, Professor of Economics, University of Mysore,     Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director & Professor-Finance, SDMIMD, Mysore, Shri. Sukumar Rangachari, Director, Pvt Ltd and MD, Ace Components & Electronics Pvt Ltd and Dr. Stephen ARO-GORDON, Professor – Finance, Baze University, Nigeria. The discussion was moderated by Dr. M.R. Suresh, Professor of Marketing, SDMIMD, Mysore. The panel did discuss different perspectives connecting to the theme of discussion including financial, social, economic, institutional,  and organisational, research . 
The workshop was attended by about 60 participants from different countries. The participants were mainly academics, research scholars and corporate executives.  
Photo Gallery

‘Best Paper Award’ to Dr. B. Venkatraja

The paper ‘Impact of central explicit subsidies on fiscal deficit in India: an empirical study’ by Dr. B. Venkatraja, Professor – Economics, SDMIMD, has won the Best Paper Award at 5th International conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences on the them ‘Global Business, Economics & Sustainability’ held during April 1 to 3, 2016 at Chennai. 

Course on “Productive Efficiency” by Prof. Kalirajan

Dr. Kaliappa Kalirajan, Professor of Economics of Australian National University, offered seminar course on ‘Productive Efficiency’ to PGDM 2016-18 Batch during November 15 & 16, 2016 at SDMIMD.
The central theme of the course was on conveying the importance of productivity with respect to country’s growth emphasising on both empirical and practical applications.The course had focused discussion on the contribution of different factors of production to earn optimal outputs; 
the best practices for optimal productivity; models to measure productivity, which was demonstrated and explained by taking the example agricultural production as the output and labour, fertilizers, land are the contributing input factors that was taken in order to explain the model. Further, ordinary least squares and general least squares method was explained using multiple linear regression model; stochastic model was highlighted to explain the example of agriculture and the limitations of the model as well was explained. 
The day-two of the course introduced the young managers on the sources and factors that influences country’s growth was explained by taking India and Vietnam as the example. Decomposition function during different time periods (say T1 & T2) was used in the process of analysing the reasons for growth. The difference between the actuals, estimates (of outputs & inputs) was calculated to measure the differences in the total factor productivity growth rate. 
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