MDP on Inferential Statistics Using Excel

Data analysis using statistical tools is being seen as a major component in research studies and most of the statistical tools can be comfortably adopted via Microsoft excel. An appropriate training program will help researchers in analysing the data comfortably. With this objective in mind,  Dr. S. Lakshminarayana, conducted a MDP on ‘Inferential Statistics Using Excel’ on May 23, 2015 at SDMIMD.  The program attracted research scholars from academia and corporate world. The participants were trained on using the tools on excel templates, which were specially designed for the purpose. They were taught on the selection of appropriate statistical tools using cases and were encouraged to independently think on analysing the research data.  

MDP on Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

The 3-day program on Finance for Non-Finance Professionals was held on April 23-25, 2015. The program equipped professionals representing the Non-Finance background, with the essential tools and concepts in Finance. The program was framed with an overall objective of developing Financial Intelligence among the participants to aid effective decision making. The program employed an innovative pedagogy comprising of Case studies, Role plays, and Excel demonstrations with an aid to inculcate an overall appreciation for Finance. 
The 3-day program comprised of modules covering Introduction to Financial Reporting, Cost Management for Decision Making, Principles of Corporate Finance, and Introduction to Corporate Valuation. This executive program was developed by SDMIMD faculty members keeping with the requirements of the corporate organizations. The program witnessed participation representing diverse organizations that included Glowtronics Ltd., Carborundum Universal, Apollo Hospitals Mysore, Klueber Lubricants, Supreem Pharmaceuticals, Meritors HVS India, Software Paradigms India (SPI), Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, and PES College of Engineering. Earlier, the program was inaugurated by the Director, SDMIMD, Dr. N. R. Parasuraman. Dr. R. Jagadeesh, Dean Academics, SDMIMD delivered the valedictory address and distributed the certificates to the participants. Program Coordinators Dr. Ullas Rao and Dr. Sunil M. V. were present.

Workshop on HR for Non-HR Professionals

A two day workshop on ‘HR for Non-HR Professionals’ was organized at the Institute during April 9 & 10, 2015. The workshop was designed to address the participants on HR and management issues in day-to-day work-life situations. Inaugurating the workshop, the Director of SDMIMD, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman stressed on need of leadership skills, team management capabilities and strategic approach to problem solving & decision making, as essential qualities to manage the manpower in the work-life situation. 
The faculty facilitators for the workshop, Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta and Dr. Mousumi Sengupta emphasized, “While at work, we involve in interactions with people, across all levels, irrespective of the nature of our work. It involves functions, ranging from leading and motivating staff to appraising their performance. Therefore, we need to appreciate the behavioural issues, arising on a day-to-day basis.  These issues are being addressed in the workshop through experience sharing & discussion, role play, simulations, & case studies”. 
Professionals engaged in administrative roles, academicians, academic administrators, professionals in managerial roles across different sectors and levels participated in the workshop. 
At the end of the program, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director of the institute delivered the valedictory address and distributed certificates to the participants. Dr. Sunil M.V. Coordinator of the program was present. 

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JK Tyre & Industries CMDP Batch V – February 09 to 12, 2015

The 5th Batch of the JK Tyre & Industries Customized Management Development Program (CMDP) was conducted from February 9 to 12, 2015. The program was inaugurated by Dr. N. R.Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD Mysore in the presence of Mr. Gowri Prakash, Manager – HR, JK Tyre & Industries, VTP Mysore. The program delivered over 4-days witnessed participation from 27 participants representing the Vikrant Tyre Plant (VTP), Mysore and Chennai Tyre Plant (CTP).
The fifth in the series of programs designed for Identified High Performers (IHPs) of the company who are being trained across all the functions of management comprising of Finance, Marketing, Human Resources Management, Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. Mr. Umesh K. Shenoy, Vice President – Works, JK Tyre & Industries, VTP Mysore was the Chief Guest for the valedictory session. The program was coordinated by Dr. Ullas Rao, Associate Professor – Finance, SDMIMD Mysore.

JK Tyre & Industries CMDP Batch IV – February 03 to 06, 2015

The 4th Batch of the JK Tyre & Industries Customized Management Development Program (CMDP) was conducted from February 3 to 6, 2015. The program was inaugurated by Dr. N. R.Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD Mysore in the presence of Mr. Gowri Prakash, Manager – HR, JK Tyre & Industries, VTP Mysore. The program delivered over 4-days witnessed participation from 23 participants representing the Vikrant TyrePlant (VTP), Mysore and Chennai Tyre Plant (CTP).
The fourth in the series of programs designed for Identified High Performers (IHPs) of the company who are being trained across all the functions of management comprising of Finance, Marketing, Human Resources Management, Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. Mr. Umesh K. Shenoy, Vice President – Works, JK Tyre & Industries, VTP Mysore was the Chief Guest for the valedictory session. The program was coordinated by Dr. Ullas Rao, Associate Professor – Finance, SDMIMD Mysore.

JK Tyre & Industries CMDP Batch III – January 27 to 30, 2015

The III Batch of the JK Tyre & Industries Customized Management Development Program (CMDP) is organized during January 27 to 30, 2015. The program was inaugurated by Dr. N. R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD Mysore in the presence of Mr. Gowri Prakash, Manager – HR, JK Tyre & Industries, VTP Mysore. The program delivered over 4-days witnessed participation from 28 participants representing the Vikrant Tyre Plant (VTP) and Chennai Tyre Plant (CTP). 
This is the third in a series of programs designed for Identified High Performers (IHPs) of the company identified by the management, who are being trained across all the functions of management comprising of Finance, Marketing, Human Resources Management, Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. Mr. Umesh K. Shenoy, Vice President – Works, JK Tyre & Industries, VTP Mysore will be the Chief Guest for the valedictory session. This program was coordinated by Dr. Ullas Rao, Associate Professor – Finance, SDMIMD Mysore.

JK Tyre & Industries CMDP Batch II – January 20 to 23, 2015

The II Batch of the JK Tyre & Industries CMDP was organized from January 20 to 23, 2015. The program was inaugurated by Dr. N. R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, Mysore, in the presence of Mr. Gowri Prakash, Manager – HR, JK Tyre & Industries, VTP Mysore. The program delivered over 4-days witnessed participation from 28 participants representing the Vikrant Tyre Plant (VTP) and Chennai Tyre Plant (CTP). 
This is the second in a series of programs designed for Identified High Performers (IHPs) of the company identified by the management, who are being trained across all the functions of management comprising of Finance, Marketing, Human Resources Management, Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology. Mr. Umesh K. Shenoy, Vice President – Works, JK Tyre & Industries, VTP Mysore was the Chief Guest for the valedictory session. The program was coordinated by Dr. Ullas Rao, Associate Professor – Finance, SDMIMD Mysore.

MDP on Inferential Statistics using SPSS

A one day Management Development Programme (MDP) on Inferential Statistics using SPSS was organized on 31.05.2014, which attracted research scholars and students from different institutes from Mysore and SDM, Ujre respectively. The day-long program looked at practical aspects of inferential statistics and enabled the participants to get a hands-on exposure to SPSS.

MDP on Finance for Non-Finance Executives

A Management Development Program (MDP) on Finance for Non-Finance Executives was organized at SDMIMD, Mysore on May 23 & 24, 2014. The program witnessed enthusiastic participation from Executives representing diverse industrial and corporate houses in Mysore. The program equipped the participants with essential nuances of Accounting, Cost Management, and Financial Management. The program was anchored by Dr N R Parasuraman, Director & Professor of Finance and Dr Ullas Rao, Associate Professor of Finance.

MDP on Effective Business Negotiation

A one day MDP on “Effective Business Negotiation” was conducted on 23rd May 2014. The companies which participated in the program were Meritor, Supreem Pharmaceuticals, SPI, SysInformation, Rangsons Electronics and Mitsubishi Diesel Engines Pvt Ltd., The program emphasized the importance of negotiation skills in today’s competitive world. The program content focused on preparation for negotiations, managing negotiation climate, understanding negotiation styles, tactics, concessions, conflict  management at individual and group level. Also, there was coverage  on self-awareness and interpersonal transactions for effective business negotiation. The program was conducted by Dr. H. Gayathri, Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta and Dr. Mousumi Sengupta.
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