Campus News

YB Debate 2017

The 5th Edition of ‘Prof. Y. Bhagavan Memorial National Level English Debate’ was jointly organized by SDMIMD and Rotary Mid-town Mysore, on February 3 & 4, 2017 at SDMIMD. 
Dr. C. Naganna, Visiting Professor, and Former Professor of English & Director of Prasaranga, University of Mysore, delivered the inaugural address. Dr. Naganna in his address said ‘oratory fulfils the lofty purpose; it is up to us to realize its elevated office. Hence, there is need to recover and understand the dignity of a Debate. Our younger men and women have wonderful argumentative ability. My only plea is that they should adopt their superior communicative skill to a higher purpose. It is easy for them to side with rich and powerful because of the verbal mastery. But, their personality will acquire and undimmed lustre if they speak for the weak and voiceless’.
105 speakers from across India which included 3 speakers from abroad presented their notions during the first round of this debate on the topics “Irrespective of the hostilities between India and Pakistan, Pakistani artists should be allowed to work in India.” and “Demonetization: gain not worth the pain”. The Top 15 speakers from the first round selected for the Final Round to debate on “Patrilineal culture makes second class citizens of women” on Saturday, February 4, 2017 at SDMIMD Auditorium.
Mr. Jeydev C.S. of National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru, won the First Place; Ms. Shree Shishya Mishra of Alliance School of Law, Bengaluru, stood 2nd and Mr. Dinesh Jagadeesh of PES Engineering College, Mandya, secured the 3rd Place. Out of the finalists 7 members were given consolation prizes. 

‘Tech-Yaana’ for Adarsha Vidyalaya Young Minds

SDMites ‘Club Silicon’ conducted an IT workshop “Tech-Yaana” for the young minds of “Adarsha Vidyalaya” the school identified for LIFE@School Project. The workshop was conducted for high school students on January 30, 2017, focused on imparting basics of Computer nd  Video showing the evolution of Computer; technological inclusion in Education system; and how computer functions internally? 

ISTD Mysuru Chapter Inaugurated

SDMIMD hosted the inauguration of the Mysuru Chapter of Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD) on 31 January 2017. Mr. Fabien M. Caltin, Director, Training & Development, Sysinformation India; and, Mr. Sanjay Srinivasmurthy, Associate Vice President - Global IT Delivery, Software Paradigms (I) Pvt. Ltd.; spoke on the occasion and emphasized on the relevance of continuous training and development in today’s business context.  Mr. Atul Sharma, Regional Vice-President (South), ISTD; and, Ms. Meera Venkat, Chairperson Bangalore Chapter ISTD; were present, and shared the vision of ISTD. Dr. R. Jagadeesh, Dean-Academics, SDMIMD also graced the occasion.

Talk on 'Changing Management' by Dr. Alexandra Benz

Dr. Alexandra Benz, Professor of HR and HR Consultant, conducted session on 'Changing Management' to the PGDM 2016-18 students on January 27 & 28, 2017. Dr Alexandra covered topics like Data management, Consumer Behaviour Marketing, Human resource management, Globalization, Diversification.

68th Republic Day Celebration

The 68th Republic Day was celebrated with great patriotism and fervour at SDMIMD on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The celebrations began with a patriotic song. Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Professor – OB & HRM, SDMIMD, unfurled the national flag. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Mousumi said, we should try to honour the dignity and the sovereignty of our country by trying to be responsible and caring citizens. The impressions shared by SDMites about the country and role of Young Indians, showed great patriotism. This was followed by community breakfast at the Institute Mess. 

Corporate Speaker on Campus - Mr. Nagi Rao of SysInformation

Mr. Nagi Rao, Founder and Principal - SI Holdings, Sysinformation Healthcare India Pvt Ltd., Mysuru, was the invited speaker for the talk on Healthcare Industry, organized on January 12, 2017. Mr. Rao presented the status report of healthcare industry in US and presented its future scope in India. He shared shared his views on statistics pertaining to outsourcing jobs, IT security, data center options, etc.
The discussions about the impact of US election and its results on stock market and industry growth, in general, and healthcare industry, in particular, was key focus during the talk. 

International Accreditation for PGDM Program

SDMIMD received the International accreditation from Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), USA, for the 2-Year Residential flagship programme – Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM).
​Many experts in the field of management education feel that the performance of SDMIMD in its corporate interaction and placements, world class infrastructure, academic rigor and adherence to ethical values derived from the Dharmasthala Philosophy, paved the way for the international accreditation. The ACBSP accreditation will help to nurture young managers of our PGDM Program who are employable in global marketplace, equip students to solve multi-disciplinary problems with their leadership and decision making abilities​.

'Outstanding Teacher Award' to Dr. Neetu Ganapathy

The Shanghai University in China has chosen Dr. Neetu Ganapathy, Associate Professor, SDMIMD, for the ‘Outstanding Teaching Award’ of 2016. This award is given in appreciation for her teaching at Shanghai University last year. The award recognizes excellence in teaching practices, teaching effectiveness and the ability to inspire students. She was chosen from amongst several international visiting faculty. The award will be presented to her in March 2017.

Guest talk by Mr. Sukumar Rangachari

Mr. Sukumar Rangachari addressed the first year students on 11 January 2017 on the topic “What do you need to become an entrepreneur?” In the course of his address he gave several examples of Indian entrepreneurs and their brief history about them. Mr Sukumar also highlighted the traits that an entrepreneur should and should not possess and the core attributes that an entrepreneur needs to succeed. Apart from this Mr Sukumar also shared his experiences as an entrepreneur.
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